Vision 2030 Mayor Andy Schor’s vision for Lansing’s future

will become its best self

Lansing will be its best self: a diverse, dense, livable, responsible and welcoming environment.

Our city will offer the amenities and necessities needed to retain and sustain residents through all stages of life: children as they grow; young people starting careers; families putting down roots; established professionals looking to expand their businesses; and retirees. We sustain this by improving and providing necessities—roads, sidewalks, housing, parks and public safety. And we embrace our differentiating qualities—city design, culture, community and livability.

Not only do people commute to and visit the Capital City; they are eager to live here and become involved in the community. Lansing cultivates a sense of city pride among its residents, which draws new residents to the area and convinces those who have left Lansing to return. The city recognizes its individualistic reputation—self-assured, confident and proud—as well as the fact that it is the cultural and economic engine of our region.

How will we get there?

By focusing on three main areas of action:


We will leverage Lansing's existing diversity and employment opportunities to represent our city as an ideal place to live and thrive.
  • Celebrate and support Lansing as an inclusive community. As the fifth most racially diverse city in Michigan, Lansing’s multiculturalism is an asset that motivates individuals to live here and send their children to school here.
  • Draw attention to Lansing's cultural diversity by supporting local nonprofits that create spaces for people of all backgrounds and identities. With foreign-born residents making up 7.4 percent of the community, Lansing is a place where we can all learn from one another.
  • Generate a community-wide commitment to the improvement and progress of Lansing Public Schools, whether residents have a child attending the schools or not. Residents will comprehend the long-term returns of a quality school system for retaining growing families and improving the local economy. We will position the schools' various types of diversity as an invaluable asset. In turn, investing in adequate educational resources can help raise the median household income so it is at or above the state average (at least $50,803, up from Lansing's $34,833).
  • Provide and retain a variety of fulfilling employment options across industries. Leverage existing career options in governance, manufacturing, insurance, information technology, healthcare and the rich variety of industries that attract new employers to create wealth in the area.
  • Draw individuals from outside areas to live here by providing a vibrant arts and culture scene, weekend activities and night-life options, while leveraging Lansing's affordability.


We will improve the city's public spaces—from roads to art—ensuring a welcoming environment.
  • Prioritize the city's visual infrastructure. This includes investing in public art, parks and gardens, Lansing-branded signage or other assets that simply improve the city's welcoming nature.
  • Improve walkability by ensuring sidewalk infrastructure can get residents from their living spaces to nearby business districts, schools and parks.
  • Continue decreasing Lansing’s commercial and residential vacancy rates, for which there is already progress underway. While Lansing's residential vacancy rate (12.2 percent) is lower than the statewide average (15.1 percent), we will continue to reduce this to under 7 percent.
  • Combine public and private support for arts within the city through partnerships with arts groups and targeted arts funds.
  • Improve and maintain the visual and functional appeal of roads and buildings, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Increase emphasis on sustainability and health efforts. Building on the foresight of the combined sewer overflow project, continue refining our recycling, anti-pollution and environmental stewardship efforts. Prioritize fresh water and habitat preservation and address public health risks.


We will diversify housing options to meet residents' changing needs—providing a variety of rentals, condominiums, historic housing and larger homes.
  • Cultivate real estate options with wider price ranges, increasing the median home value from $89,000 to $100,000. Lansing will offer a variety of housing options for all who want to live here—homes that college graduates and lower-income residents can attain; homes for growing families that need more space inside and outside; rentals for those who can afford less and rentals for those who can afford more; and condominiums in commercial areas.
  • Promote, celebrate and invest in Lansing's charming historic housing stock.
  • Provide available workforce housing for young professionals starting their careers who will create wealth in the area, and ensure available and attainable housing for those who are lower-income earners or are unable to work.
  • Relentlessly improve and upgrade properties that are substandard to ensure that every home is safe for our families.
  • Emphasize unity across neighborhoods. In addition to having neighborhood pride, residents will have Lansing pride. This requires visual consistency and ample housing options across all neighborhoods.
Lansing is a great place to live.
And it has the potential to become outstanding.
By investing in our positive qualities,
and seizing opportunities,
every Lansing neighborhood, corridor, corner and pocket
will become its best self.